To the sculptors of the nation, to the shapers of tomorrow
June 2022
June 2022
And I count on you, teachers of Lebanon, creators of hope, who always illuminate, soldiers of reason and peace, who even defy life itself; to you, I entrust generations that must be shaped differently, so they do not stagnate in error. Multiply love. Foster justice. Correct the past. Encourage diversity. Sow seeds that strengthen the earth. These seeds will rise, become our weapon of absolute strength, overtake evil, and destroy hatred. In this way, we will succeed, man after man, strike after strike, in shattering the system. Never forget who you are, never doubt the power you possess, always remember that each of your actions, artisans of men, changes the face of a nation.
This is not senseless lyricism or words arranged to perfection; it is the dream within me writing to you. Dreams have built nations that became strong, invincible. Let us not abandon our dreams, nor accept the fate that we are offered. Always believe in magic, believe in ourselves. Never forget that we are an effective and harmonious whole, and that dignity, a major force, is the only one that will restore Lebanon, more beautiful.
May peace ease our troubled hearts, may dreams nourish our paths with wonders, and may the love of giving restore our courage.